Saturday, May 30, 2015

Bad-ass Ladies (& a Few Dudes) - Weekly Comics

So I rarely manage to pick up my comics on Wednesday & so I usually end up being spoiled for something. This week, despite getting them today (Saturday), I've managed to avoid more than just a few teasing images so I'm counting this as an extremely successful week.

When I got to the store, my sub looked like this:

Phil Noto's covers are sublime.
Kate!!! Historical AU Kate!!

Plus I picked up the following while I was there:

 A-Force #1
How awesome is this cover?!
Peggy Carter = badass

I don't know if I'll actually get them all read before I leave for Origins on Wednesday morning but I'm hoping to grab a few hours on Monday to curl up with a big pile of comics (including some I haven't got through from last week).

Gaming Photo - Vye

Look how pretty it is!

My Kickstarter copy of Vye from Sandhat Games arrived Friday while I was at work. I may throw this in my bag for Origins if I get a chance to read the rules before Wednesday.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Gaming (related) Photo - Koi Pond

Koi Pond phone skin (and other products) available here

My husband decided to purchase a new phone skin & chose this one with art from Koi Pond. I'll make a gamer out of him yet.

Tricky Looters - Monday Gaming Recap

Last Monday (May 28th) was Memorial Day which meant I was able to leave work early thanks to holiday hours & so I actually made it to game night at the Atomic Empire for the first time in forever. I only played 2 different games but, in my defense, one of them, I did play 6 times.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Origins 2015 - What I'm Looking to Play

In less than a week, I'll be in Columbus, OH for my second Origins. I'm looking forward to catching up and hanging out with many of the awesome people I met last year, and of course, to playing playing games with some of those fine folks.

Here's my tentative list of games I want to play while at the show broken down into Games I want to play, Game I own but haven't played & Games I want to play again. also at the end is the current list of games I'll be bringing with me (subject to change as I actually start packing of course).