Monday, September 21, 2015

TBGT Numbers & Superlatives

The event is over & recapping is going to take a while, but here are some initial stats.

The Numbers

5 days of gaming
31 plays
29 games
26 unique opponents
6 wins (including 1 co-op)

18 new-to-me games learned
1 game taught
3 prototypes tested

9 games sold
3 games + 1 expansion purchased
19 games taken to the event (excluding flea market stock)
0 games missing from my stack
1 anonymous thank-you note left in 1 of my games

4-5 hours of sleep a night on average
4-5 cups of coffee per day on average
3 food deliveries to tables during games
2 bottles of bourbon decimated
unknown numbers of cookies consumed while playing

0 prizes won during the closing ceremonies
1 ENORMOUS sheet cake
4 standing ovations
1 marriage proposal
1 deserving Bobbie McRae award winner


Best new game: Freedom/Legacy: The Testament of Duke de Crecy (tied result)
Best tradition upheld: midnight 6-player Pillars of the Earth
Most played (personally): Imperial Assault/Isle of Skye (tied result)
Most played (around me): La Granja/Codenames (tied result)

Biggest table-hog: Legacy: The Testament of Duke de Crecy
Most Attractive: Pillars of the Earth
Busiest Board: Archon: Glory & Machination
Ugliest Board: Automobile

Most amusing game: Lancaster
Tensest game: Freedom
Most Impressive Game: Adam Skelding's home-made 4X Wonky

Best Teacher: Adam O'Brien
Best Trash-talker: Chris Mosley
Best Looking: Burke "the Belle" Drew
Biggest Shark: Marleigh Purgar
Most Missed: Tom Gurganus

Most Aggravating Imperial: Chris Mitchell/Darth Vader (tied result)
Worst Combat Range: Ruth Boyack
Worst Influence: Adam O'Brien (as always)


  1. I'd like to thank Adam O'Brien, Burke Drew, Eric Booth (via twitter) and Chris Puram for providing many moments that necessitated talking trash. If you see a game of Codenames developing and Puram is nearby, make sure you get on the other team. I'd also like to take this opportunity to thank the academy (aka Ruth) for making this life changing moment possible. May all your combat checks be at point blank range.

  2. Hey,
    Thanks for missing me. I am such a dweeb for letting this one slip by me. I appreciate you thinking of me.
    tom g
